Specialties, Expertise, & Approaches.



Anxiety – Coping with excessive worry, nervousness, or stress; intense discomfort in social settings (social anxiety); sudden and intense feelings of panic (panic disorder).

Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating – Reducing unhealthy eating patterns, beliefs, and behaviors, such as restricting, purging, and binging; healing the emotional pain surrounding disordered eating.

Adolescent Mental Health – Working with adolescents, teenagers, and parents on social, academic, and/or emotional challenges throughout teenage years; addressing anxiety, family conflicts, peer relationships, school stress, transition to college, social media pressures, self-esteem, hopelessness about the future, emotional disregulation.

Women’s Issues – Therapy tailored to common concerns among women; providing a safe and understanding space to address life challenges, stressors, and questions around identity as a woman.

Spirituality – Helping people connect with their inner selves, find meaning and purpose in life, and heal from emotional and spiritual wounds.

Adjustment Difficulties & Disorders – Support around adapting to new and/or challenging life circumstances; skill-building for improved stress management and reduction of anxiety.

Self-Esteem – Cultivating self-compassion, assertiveness, and confidence; developing ways to reduce suffering, anxiety, social withdrawal, and self-neglect

Depression – Emotional support, teaching coping skills, and helping identify and change negative thought patterns.


  • Adults (24+)

  • Teenagers (13-18)

  • Young adults (18-24)